275 Joliet Street, Suite 330 | Dyer, Indiana 46311

National Estate Planning Week - OCTOBER 20-26, 2014

It is estimated that 1.2 million Americans do not have an up-to-date estate plan to protect themselves and their families in the event of sickness, accidents, or death.  As attorneys, we often deal with the aftermath of individuals failing to plan for the eventual certainty of death.  Families suffer needless stress both emotionally and financially during their time of mourning by this failure to plan.

             Clients often incorrectly believe that because they are “not rich,” they do not need an estate plan.  Everyone needs an estate plan.  An estate plan does more than determine who inherits assets at death; it also gives authority to loved ones to make health care and financial decisions in the event of incapacity and provides who should care for minor children in the event their parents are no longer capable of caring for them.

             An estate plan consists of, at minimum, a will, a durable general power of attorney, a living will, a release of protected health information, and if there are minor children or a guardian involved, an appointment of a standby guardian.  In some cases, an estate plan also involves a trust and other instruments.

             Clients also mistakenly believe that an estate plan is expensive and time- consuming.  While estate plans can be both expensive and time-consuming (depending on each situation), for the vast majority of clients, an estate plan is neither prohibitively expensive nor time consuming.

             In honor of National Estate Planning Week, Rubino, Ruman, Crosmer & Polen, LLC is highlighting through various outlets the importance of estate planning.  During National Estate Planning Week, it will also be offering one-stop estate planning where all necessary estate planning documents for a simple estate will be prepared during a single conference for a flat fee.  Of course, not every estate plan is “simple”.  For clients with more complex needs, Rubino, Ruman, Crosmer & Polen is more than able to meet those needs that require more time and effort.

             To ensure appointment availability,  Rubino, Ruman, Crosmer & Polen has set aside time during National Estate Planning Week for extra estate planning appointments.  However, these appointments are anticipated to fill up quickly.  Call (219) 322-8222 to schedule your appointment today!  Do not put off making an estate plan any longer!



DYER, IN 46311



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