275 Joliet Street, Suite 330 | Dyer, Indiana 46311

Facts and Figures

Common Indiana traffic injuries

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently announced 24,050 people died in motor vehicle accidents in the first nine months of 2011, a 1.6 percent decline from 2010 fatalities during the same period.

The Indiana State Police report our state saw 701 fatal traffic collisions—and 754 fatalities— in 2010, an increase of 11 percent over 2009 figures.

Statistics paint big pictures—a national decline, a local increase.  As personal injury lawyers, our firm works daily with individuals and families involved in these serious—and sometimes deadly—accidents.  We understand facts and see the big picture, but we also see the faces and forms of injury left behind by serious car and truck accidents.

After an accident, any injury is reason to talk to a reputable lawyer.  Nominal injury may worsen and serious injury means an altered future.  We pursue injury claims for those injured through the negligence of others.  Types of injuries we frequently see include:

  • Head injury. A broad category of injury including cuts, bruises, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • Spinal damage. Injury to the spinal cord, vertebra, and spinal nerves causing disability or permanent paralysis.
  • Lower extremities. Car accidents frequently cause crush damage to the pelvis, hips, legs, and feet, including broken and dislocated bones, and deep lacerations.  Serious knee injury occurs when car occupants are propelled forward into the dashboard of a car.

If you suffer injury in a serious car or truck accident, understanding the big picture means getting good legal advice.

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